Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Making new friends is something that comes along with living in another country. I seem to have pretty decent roommates so I hope that we can become friends and make even more new friends. I hope this turns out well. Grace and Laura are both very nice and seem not too big into partying, so this is a plus. The second week was a very hard week in terms of homesickness. I called my mom and cried my eyes out for probably about an hour. It is so difficult to be so far away from the people that you love most in life. Back home, I could go for a while without seeing my mom and be fine with it. I think it’s the mental state of knowing that you are so incredibly far away that makes the homesickness worse and makes you miss home even more. Ireland isn’t so much different that Pennsylvania. The landscapes are similar as well is the climate. However, the people are very different. It could be because the town of Carlow is so small, but the people here seem to be hesitant to be friendly. I feel that this town seems a bit old fashioned, and they are very precautions of newcomers coming here. It may take a lot for them to accept us. Which is strange to me because I came here believing that most people in Ireland are so incredibly friendly. I guess we’ll see how this turns out. I’m sure I won’t feel like this once we make so more friends.

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