Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Planning Trips, Taking Classes and P.S.-I Love You

This week, we went to Glendalough. It was absolutely beautiful and this was where P.S. I Love You was filmed! It was very different that any part of Ireland that I have yet to see and it truly was beautiful. There were so many different things to it: the rocks, the trees, the water, the colors, and the whole site of it all were stunning. The girls and I have planned our trip to Germany!! Shawna has family that lives over there, and he and his wife are letting us stay in the vacant apartment of their next door neighbors. We are all so very excited! Classes are going well. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what the teachers say because of the accents. And the other students all know everyone in their classes because they have had most of their other classes together. This is a struggle to fit in but we try our best! On a little heavier note, I have been having serious roommate issues with all of my roommates. Not going into detail but, I am looking into moving out of my apartment and moving into another one. I am looking forward to so many things now; especially things at home. I really enjoy Ireland, but the feeling of being home, in a place where you are at ease and with the people you love-those feelings are what I am looking forward to. I cannot wait to smell my house when I walk in right before Christmas. And the home cooked meals and just being with my family is something I am really looking forward to!

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